1. Reservation
- In order to check in at the hotel, guests must present a valid passport, driver's license or ID card.
- The reservation can be guaranteed by prepayment (no later than 24 hours prior arrival).
- In case of a guest no-show by 22.00, the hotel reserves the right to sell the room to another person (unless the guest has notified on the arrival time).
- In case of non-guaranteed booking, the guest can only choose one of the available rooms on the day of arrival.
- A guaranteed reservation can be cancelled without penalty until 17.00 on the day of arrival.
- The hotel reserves the right to charge the amount of one night's stay for cancellation of a guaranteed reservation after 17.00 on the day of arrival or no-show.
2. Payment procedure
- Bank Transfer
- Payment cards
- Cash in EUR
3. Check-in time:
- Check-in from15.00
- Check-out until 12.00
4. Smoking
- Smoking is not permitted on the hotel premises. Smoking is only allowed outside the hotel premises.
5. A specially equipped room for people with reduced mobility is available.
6. Rules of internal procedures.
- In the hotel it is forbidden to disturb the peace of other guests by loud or inappropriate behaviour. If these rules are violated, the staff can request the guests to leave the hotel premises or decide to contact the police.
- In the hotel premises and in the surrounding area of the hotel it is forbidden to make noise disturbing other guests.
- For security reasons, after 23.00, guests are kindly requested to register their visitors at the reception. The guest bears full responsibility for the actions of their visitors.
- It is forbidden to damage the hotel equipment. If damage to the room is found upon arrival, please report it to the reception to avoid misunderstandings.
- Damage caused by the fault of the guest will be charged in accordance with the amount of the damage.
- It is forbidden to burn candles in the rooms without prior approval (as well as to leave burning candles unattended). It is forbidden to bring and store flammable items and substances in the hotel.
- For the personal safety and security of other customers, it is forbidden to stay on the hotel premises under the influence of alcohol.
- Hotel staff have the right to refuse to serve a customer who is under the influence of alcohol. In this case, the payment for the reserved and paid services is non-refundable.
- The penalty for smoking in an unauthorised place is 50 euros (per person).
- The hotel does not bear responsibility for the belongings of the guests left unattended.
- Children under the age of 18 must be supervised by a parent or an authorised person.
In case of non-compliance with the rules of internal procedures of the hotel, the hotel staff has the right to reprimand the guest and in case of non-compliance with the reprimand, to terminate the provision of the service. In this case, guests are obliged to vacate the hotel room within one hour. The payment for reserved and paid services is non-refundable.